Forms of Chinese painting and Chinese painting frames

Forms of Chinese painting and Chinese painting frames

Basically, traditional Chinese paintings can be classified according to subject matter into figure paintings, landscapes and flower-and-bird paintings. Landscapes represent a major category in traditional Chinese painting, mainly depicting the natural scenery of mountains and rivers. Many critics consider landscape to be the highest form of Chinese painting.

Besides, according to different techniques and skills, traditional Chinese painting can be divided into two major styles: meticulous (gongbi) and freehand (xieyi). The meticulous style can be subdivided into sketches, light-color, heavy-color and boneless painting. Freehand style can also subdivided into the combination of meticulous (gongbi) and freehand (xieyi), free sketching and meticulous sketching approach. Freehand style generalizes shapes and displays rich brushwork and ink technique, which is easier for beginners.

Chinese Birds and Flowers Painting

Chinese Birds and Flowers Painting

In terms of forms of Chinese painting frames, including mural painting, screen, scroll, album, mirror center, the central line of a couplet as well as roller for scroll.

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