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La Promenade Mujer con sombrilla
Número de Trama: Sin marco   Descripción: Enrollado en un tubo
Tamaño interior: 16" x 20" ( 41 X 51 cm)   Tamaño exterior: 16 x 20"( 41 X 51 cm)

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La Promenade Mujer con sombrilla#ARTS450197

El precio total: 890.97 Kr
Pintura Precio: 890.97 KrMarco Precio: 0.00 Kr
Seleccione el tamañoGallery PrecioArtisoo Precio
16" x 20" (41 X 51 cm)3035.17 Kr890.97 Kr
19" x 24" (49 X 61 cm)3945.72 Kr1158.26 Kr
24" x 30" (62 X 76 cm)5580.80 Kr1639.38 Kr
29" x 36" (74 X 91 cm)7303.99 Kr2147.24 Kr
32" x 40" (82 X 102 cm)8576.80 Kr2521.44 Kr
39" x 48" (99 X 122 cm)10300.00 Kr3029.30 Kr
42" x 52" (107 X 132 cm)11514.07 Kr3385.68 Kr
Seleccione el fotograma
Sin marco0.00 Kr
Estirado1697.83 Kr
R2018-218A1941.09 Kr
R4613-2361941.09 Kr
R5130-2042910.81 Kr
R6035-2203274.87 Kr
R40-0062304.32 Kr
R75-0013032.44 Kr
R75-0023032.44 Kr
R6929-3023274.87 Kr
R7034-2983517.30 Kr
R4827-2342668.38 Kr
R3013-2362061.89 Kr
R6731-2263517.30 Kr
R6731-2243517.30 Kr
R2833-2042304.32 Kr
R7034-2963517.30 Kr
R1823-2042183.52 Kr
R45-0093032.44 Kr
R50-0052061.89 Kr
R65-003-12547.58 Kr
R5130-2342910.81 Kr
R4827-2242668.38 Kr
R8645-2984730.27 Kr
Artista original: Claude Oscar Monet    Pintado a mano por artistas de Artisoo.
Reproducciones de pinturas al óleo en lienzos Pintado a mano 100%

Satisfacción garantizada

Su historial reciente

Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son belongs to a series of paintings executed by Monet during the summers of 1875 and 1876, and depicting the garden of his second home at Argenteuil and the poppy-covered fields of nearby Colombes and Gennevilliers. The human figure, which had played a negligible role in his paintings in recent years, took on renewed importance, with his wife Camille serving as his constant model. While his entire paintings share the same fascination with capturing the fleeting effects of sunlight (the hallmark of his impressionist style), this particular painting is exceptional owing to the prominent role that Monet accords to the figure within the landscape. Camille, dressed in white and wearing a veiled hat, stands on a hill, her body placed slightly off center but balanced visually by the green and white parasol she carries. Her gaze and the angle of her body suggest that she has suddenly become aware of the viewer’s presence and has turned in response, creating a convincing illusion of movement frozen in time. Behind and to the left of Camille is the much smaller form of their son Jean, who was almost eight years old at the time. The low horizon line and the juxtaposition of her form against the sky give the figure a feeling of monumentality that is unusual in Monet’s paintings of the mid 1870s.

Boldly and rapidly executed out of doors, this painting was probably created in a single sitting. Monet’s depiction of the arrested moment in time is accentuated by the spontaneity of the brushwork and bold color. The sky was painted quickly, with strokes of varying size and direction, and large patches of ground left exposed. Although he painted the sky first, he retouched it after adding the figures—drawing the brush around their shapes, he further defined them. The grass is painted with short comma-like strokes in various shades of green, blue, yellow, and red: broad passages of blue greens were used to indicate shadow and lighter greens, to indicate sunlit areas.

Arisoo artists will meticulously hand paint a reproduction oil painting of Woman with a parasol detail by detail, color by color as close to the original oil painting as possible. Our reproduction oil paintings are all hand painted fine art with no printing involved. Don't settle for a print when a genuine reproduction oil painting will add sophistication to any room and will be admired by many.

The Promenade Woman With A Parasol

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Proceso y entrega

País Tiempo de procesamiento Tiempo de Tránsito Tiempo Total
Singapur, Malasia, Filipinas, Tailandia y otros países asiáticos. 7-10 1-3 8-13 días
EE.UU., Reino Unido, Australia, Canadá y otros países fuera de Asia 7-10 2-5 9-15 días

Nota: nuestro tiempo del preparación incluye pintar productos, controles de calidad y embalaje cuidadoso para su envío, que es 7 –10 días, según informaciones en el gráfico.

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Garantizamos su satisfacción con productos de Artisoo. Si los productos no te van bien, se contacta con Servicio al Cliente dentro de 90 días a partir de hacer tu pedido, seremos responsable por cualquier costo incurrido durante el envío. Lo único que pedimos es que todos los artículos devueltos deberán estar en empaque original.

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Cada Pintura es Pintada a Mano

Cada pintura es pintada a mano en un 100% por artistas experimentados, nuestras pinturas se estiran ya cuando llegue.

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Como una empresa líder en línea , Artisoo galería ofrece más de 100 000 pinturas al óleo con calidad de museo, se puede ahorrar 55% -80%, comparando con el precio de las mismas pinturas en sus galerías locales.

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Lea el proceso de hacer pintura para saber cómo nuestros artistas pintan pinturas al óleo, paso a paso. Cada pintura es pintado meticulosamente, pincelada por pincelada, se empieza con un lienzo blanco y se termina con una verdadera obra maestra. También se puede obtener instrucciones sobre el decoración del hogar por Estilo Coincidencia Guía.

Paquete Fino

Todas pinturas al óleo están envueltas y estiradas en marcos de madera de alta duración, listas para colgar. Todas las cajas están separados por película de la burbuja y la capa intermedia de plástico para evitar el daño innecesario durante el transporte.

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  • Dormitorio
  • Baño
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  • Cuarto de estar
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  • Otros
  • Mi habitación

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  • 16 × 20 inches
  • 19 × 24 inches
  • 24 × 30 inches
  • 29 × 36 inches
  • 32 × 40 inches
  • 39 × 48 inches
  • 42 × 52 inches

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Elegir el color de la pared

El precio total: 890.97 Kr
Pintura Precio: 890.97 KrMarco Precio: 0.00 Kr
Sin marco0.00 Kr
Estirado1697.83 Kr
R2018-218A1941.09 Kr
R4613-2361941.09 Kr
R5130-2042910.81 Kr
R6035-2203274.87 Kr
R40-0062304.32 Kr
R75-0013032.44 Kr
R75-0023032.44 Kr
R6929-3023274.87 Kr
R7034-2983517.30 Kr
R4827-2342668.38 Kr
R3013-2362061.89 Kr
R6731-2263517.30 Kr
R6731-2243517.30 Kr
R2833-2042304.32 Kr
R7034-2963517.30 Kr
R1823-2042183.52 Kr
R45-0093032.44 Kr
R50-0052061.89 Kr
R65-003-12547.58 Kr
R5130-2342910.81 Kr
R4827-2242668.38 Kr
R8645-2984730.27 Kr