Which art movement was Adolphe William Bouguereau's part of?

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i love Bouguereau's paintings, they r insane. what art movement was he part of? i know he was around the mid/late 1800's

asked Jun 22, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

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"William-Adolphe Bouguereau (November 30, 1825 – August 19, 1905) was a French academic painter. William Bouguereau was a staunch traditionalist whose realistic genre paintings and mythological themes were modern interpretations of Classical subjects with a heavy emphasis on the female human body."

He was not part of any art movement (unless you insist on calling 19th century French academicism a "movement").

Info. on academic art (and more artists);


answered Jun 22, 2013
0 votes

Realist - and pretty boring at that compared to his impressionist contemporaries, or the pre-Raphaelites.

answered Jun 22, 2013