Why does the chinese place mat at a restaurant have 11 real animals and one dragon?

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asked Jul 16, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

4 Answers

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It's the Chinese zodiac and has nothing to do with anything that you're saying. The dragon plays a large role in Chinese symbolism, and that's why he appears in the zodiac.

If I remember properly, the Buddha summoned all the world's creatures, but only 12 of them responded to his call. To honor them, he created the zodiac in the order that each animal had come to him.

answered Jul 16, 2013
0 votes
Honestly what are you asking!? You are positively noodles...


answered Jul 16, 2013
0 votes
It's the Chinese Zodiac -- their years of their calender. It doesn't have anything to do with whether or not dinosaurs existed when man existed and /or whether they were wiped out in the flood.
answered Jul 16, 2013
0 votes

the twelve animals ( including the dragon) are representatives of the Chinese calendar and horoscope.

The Chinese base their astrology on the year you were born. Each year is represented by a different animal. Each animal has certain traits. When a person is born he/she is said to inherit some of the traits of the animal that represents that year.
For example: I was born in 1964. This is one of the years of the dragon.
To find out your sign, go to the site I've provided.Remember, you don't have to believe in something but never dismiss something out of hand.

answered Jul 16, 2013