What is the different between ancient artist and artist now?

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Are Their art skill different?Which one do u like the best?
asked Jul 25, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

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Ancient artists may have been isolated or lack the bounty of materials that are available to any artist currently. Previously, an artist would have to likely grind their own pigments (what they could obtain) and add materials to it to make oil paint - (I think I've heard that Rembrandt's paintings don't have very much color in them because he just didn't have those pigments available.) Artist's in from about the dark ages would have probably needed to attend some type of formal instruction. It is also likely that if a person was considered an artist, that was their only occupation. Also, probably most of them were men.

Now, there are many part-time and full-time artists of varying skill levels. A wealth of information and materials are available, and the methods to create artwork are as open as ever. It is a completely wonderful time to be an artist!

For me, there are so many current artists and though out history, it is really impossible for me to pick just one. A few of my more current favorites are Degas, Cassatt, Klimpt, Maxfield Parrish, Edward Hopper, Childe Hassam, Monet, Van Gogh, Seurat. Visit museums to try to find the artists you prefer. Hope this helps.

If you are at all curious, feel free to check out the wonderful online artists' community, wetcanvas. There are currently more than 98,000 worldwide members, and basic membership is free. It is one of the best websites I know of.
answered Jul 25, 2013
0 votes
Ancinent artists develop their creative idea with their own with pouring their soul, so the ancient arts, culptures,etc.. are looking live like anything.
Now a days artists having same creative idea but they develop them with the dependance of artifial aidings like graphics.. so eventhough now a days arts, cultpture, etc., are appearing better than the ancient arts in look, they are not having lives.. only a matter.
answered Jul 25, 2013