How to Get Help With Paint Colors for Decorating the Kitchen

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asked Aug 16, 2013 in Decorative

1 Answer

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The kitchen is the room in the house where families often gather for food, fun and laughter. Its decor should reflect the soul of the family that shares good times and makes memories there. Choosing the right paint colors is an important element of kitchen design, but can also be challenging. Several ways exist to get help with this decorating task.

    1    Go to a library or bookstore and pick up home design magazines such as Architectural Digest, House Beautiful and Better Homes and Gardens. Browse through these resources for images and pictures of kitchens that stand out. Cut out your favorite photographs and keep a notebook of design and color ideas that appeal to you.

    2    Refer to interior design books that focus on paint colors and schemes. According to House Beautiful, color sets the mood in a kitchen. It is essential to understand what color is and how various colors work together. Use books that offer information about the color wheel and all its components to get help in choosing paint colors for your kitchen.

    3    Look for color all around you. Nature is filled with every color imaginable, and something as simple as a wildflower growing on the side of the road could serve as inspiration for your kitchen walls. Pay special attention to the rich, vibrant colors of the foods that are prepared in your kitchen. Take note of colors that stand out in your wardrobe and the wardrobes of other family members. Be open to fresh ideas that come from unexpected places.

    4    Visit a home improvement warehouse or specialty paint store to get additional help with choosing the perfect colors for your kitchen. Ask an associate to help you use paint swatches to mix and match colors that strike your fancy. Obtain his opinions about how lighting will affect the appearance of various shades and tones once they have dried on the walls. Take color swatches home and post them on the kitchen walls to see how they make you feel.

    5    Consider hiring a professional interior designer to help you make a decision about the colors that will work best in your kitchen. Author and interior designer Elaine Ryan states that a designer can act as a consultant and simply offer advice that will help you complete the project on your own. Let the designer know that you wish to use color in an important way in your kitchen and be open to any suggestions that she has.
answered Aug 16, 2013