Looking for a Spanish Painter

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I am looking for a Spanish Painter that painted 1 painting of a tree, and 1 painting of people shopping in a marketplace. His signature on the paintings is J. M.....? I think he was a local painter in Texas, and the paintings are from around the 1930's.
asked Nov 7, 2013 in History

1 Answer

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There is a well known Spanish -born artist who lived in Texas for many years; he is Jose Arpa (b. 1868- 1952 ) - so he would have been painting around the 1930s. He was one of San Antonio's best-known painters. Arpa was a brilliant colorist worked in a realist style; and his skill in handling sunlight earned him the nickname "Sunshine Man." If one looks examples of his paintings, many are of trees in bright sunlight. Though I could not find a marketplace scene.
He was also a well known teacher, He taught Texas landscape painter Robert Wood. His assistant and one of his students was Xavier Gonzales. He also taught painting to Octavio MedellĂ­n and influenced the work of Porfirio Salinas. (If it isnt' Arpa - perhaps one of these artists - all of whom lived in the USA for longer or shorter periods - is the one you are looking for.
answered Nov 7, 2013