HELP! I am creating a art portfolio and i need help, my theme is china!?

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My theme is china, and i have started with a two page spread of different chinese paintings, but i now seem to be stuck. I'm not sure what to do now on to my following pages, was wondering if anyone could give me a list of things you may think would make an effective art portfolio. I would like to include the culture, architecture, art and religion of china within this portfolio.
Thank You very much.
P.S if you could also give me some tips of things i could draw (non china related, anything really)
asked Jul 17, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

1 Answer

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you have got thousands of years of China art to draw from.
Beautiful buildings, Li river has unusual small mountains,
pagodas, rice paper art, large buddha statues, terra cot-ta 
warriors, pandas, camels and donkey carts in cities,
bicycle traffic - thousands upon thousands in a city block.
Go to the library and see some books you can check out or make
copies of the artworks.
answered Jul 17, 2013