High Renaissance Oil Paintings

High Renaissance

High Renaissance art is characterized by self-confident Humanism. Here we see artists admiring classical art and architecture as a way to show off their classical knowledge or for a patron who commissioned these works to seem more knowledgeable about the world and its history.

With the invention and use of the printing press, there was a greater spread of ideas, and artists could sell prints of their work. Travel also increased during the High Renaissance; therefore, art became more international.

Michelangelo prescribed to “Neo-Platonism,” which says God put the sculpture within the rock and that the artist must uncover it, good art comes from divine inspiration and beauty is a path to salvation.

Leonardo, another High Renaissance artist, began to create deep paintings with spatial illusions, which will be more prevalent in the Baroque period.

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Famous Cities(1)


Nude Figures(20)


Still Life(4)



Poster and Caricature(5)


Genre Painting(12)


Michelangelo Buonarroti(59)


Leonardo Da Vinci(151)



Giovanni Bellini(27)

Pietro Perugino(119)

Vittore Carpaccio(51)

Lorenzo Lotto(105)

Andrea Mantegna(70)

Andrea del Sarto(45)

Mona LisaGallery Price: $355.00
Artisoo Price: $104.00
The Lady With The Ermine Cecilia Gallerani 1496Gallery Price: $295.00
Artisoo Price: $86.00
The Disputation Of The Holy Sacrament 1511Gallery Price: $260.00
Artisoo Price: $76.00
Salvator Mundi 1500Gallery Price: $440.00
Artisoo Price: $128.00
The Veiled Woman Or La Donna VelataGallery Price: $295.00
Artisoo Price: $86.00
Madonna Of The GoldfinchGallery Price: $275.00
Artisoo Price: $80.00
Battle Of AnghiariGallery Price: $285.00
Artisoo Price: $83.00
Detail Of The Tempi Madonna 1508Gallery Price: $255.00
Artisoo Price: $75.00
The Sistine Madonna 1513Gallery Price: $270.00
Artisoo Price: $79.00
Allegory With Wolf And EagleGallery Price: $235.00
Artisoo Price: $68.00
Adam And Eve From The Stanza Della Segnatura 1511Gallery Price: $325.00
Artisoo Price: $95.00
Anatomical StudiesGallery Price: $385.00
Artisoo Price: $113.00
The Sleeping Venus 1510Gallery Price: $235.00
Artisoo Price: $69.00
Anatomy Of The Neck 1515Gallery Price: $270.00
Artisoo Price: $79.00
Adam And Eve From The Stanza Della Segnatura Detail 1511Gallery Price: $340.00
Artisoo Price: $100.00
Christ S Charge To St Peter Cartoon For The Sistine ChapelGallery Price: $235.00
Artisoo Price: $69.00
Bird S Eye View Of Sea CoastGallery Price: $270.00
Artisoo Price: $78.00
Head Of ChristGallery Price: $310.00
Artisoo Price: $90.00
Crucifixion 1503Gallery Price: $235.00
Artisoo Price: $68.00
A Grotesque Head Grotesque HeadGallery Price: $285.00
Artisoo Price: $83.00

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