Verism Oil Paintings


Verism was often used by the Romans in marble sculptures of heads. Verism, often described as "warts and all", shows the imperfections of the subject, such as warts, wrinkles and furrows. It zeroes in on the minuscule details of the human head. Although the marble heads themselves came from the Greeks, this style is extremely different from Greek head sculptures because the Greek would idealize the subject, and liken the subject to a god. The Veristic style was favoured in the late Republican period. It has been noted that veristic Roman sculptures were generally credited to a Greek or someone of Eastern background, and argued that this suggests the veristic style is of Greek origin.

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Famous Cities(2)

Nude Figures(3)


Genre Painting(4)




Federico Zandomeneghi(6)

Ohara Koson(1)

Pavel Fedotov(1)

François Barraud(1)

Antonio Mancini(22)

Lady in RedGallery Price: $195.00
Artisoo Price: $57.00
At the TheaterGallery Price: $320.00
Artisoo Price: $94.00
The Red RoofGallery Price: $335.00
Artisoo Price: $98.00
In the BoudoirGallery Price: $360.00
Artisoo Price: $105.00
Portrait of M. Diego MartelliGallery Price: $260.00
Artisoo Price: $76.00
The Art Dealer Alfred FlechtheimGallery Price: $330.00
Artisoo Price: $96.00
The CustomsGallery Price: $360.00
Artisoo Price: $105.00
Three WenchesGallery Price: $220.00
Artisoo Price: $64.00
Chest of a Young GirlGallery Price: $325.00
Artisoo Price: $95.00
The ReadingGallery Price: $385.00
Artisoo Price: $112.00
Self-PortraitGallery Price: $295.00
Artisoo Price: $86.00
Portrait of a ChildGallery Price: $310.00
Artisoo Price: $91.00
Ariana Wormeley CurtisGallery Price: $300.00
Artisoo Price: $88.00
Self-?portraitGallery Price: $290.00
Artisoo Price: $85.00
Girl with a White VeilGallery Price: $310.00
Artisoo Price: $90.00
Old Woman Drinking TeaGallery Price: $290.00
Artisoo Price: $85.00
Les roulottesGallery Price: $330.00
Artisoo Price: $96.00
A Young Girl LaughingGallery Price: $270.00
Artisoo Price: $78.00
Il SaltimbancoGallery Price: $235.00
Artisoo Price: $68.00

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