What is something I can do to practice my Chinese?

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Hi, I'm learning mandarin in school (8th gr) and I wanted to know if there was some things I could do to practice it. Since I go to an online school, I don't have any other friends who are learning. I wanted to know if there were some things I could do to practice speaking, reading, writing, or understanding it. Thanks! :)
asked Jul 24, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

3 Answers

0 votes
Speak pure Mandarin with Chinese classmates / friends, i.e. no mixture of any other spoken language. Listen to Mandarin speaking native speakers from TV educational programmes. Write in full Chinese characters, not hanyu pinyin. Preferably, learn how each Chinese form, e.g. by number of strokes in each phrasal word; discover some interesting ideas for writing from China paintings, poem, or any other favorites. Listen then read then speak then write.
answered Jul 24, 2013
0 votes
well I am intrested in Chinese .All of my families are like it.
If I have problem with Chinese , I would like to click echineselearning. There are many resources from China,and I can learn chinese culture at the same time.
You may have a try.
answered Jul 24, 2013
0 votes
In your leisure time,you can talk with your chinese friend or listen to chinese song .Hoping this way can help you.
answered Jul 24, 2013