Sacred And Profane Love

Sacred and Profane Love

Sacred and Profane Love

Sacred and Profane Love depicted the meeting of Medea and Venus. The naked Venus advised Medea besides her to assist Iason to steal the Golden Fleece, but from seen from the painting, this argument was very uncertain, so the content was so far undetermined. It was an early works of Titian depicting the female beauty. In this stage, he was enchanted by the style of Giorgio, so his creation emphasized the magnificent and harmonious people to a large extent. The style of this painting was bold and vigorous, but the figure's free and subtle spiritual state and pure and noble quality endowed the work with the pastoral style, quiet and beautiful. Naked beauty depicted by Titian was possessed with the factors of life and emotion. It was not the deified woman with unique composition and its brilliant colors that created the immortal artistic charm.

Sacred and Profane Love was based on a story from Greek Mythology: to regain the throne occupied by his uncle, Iason was going to seizure the god's sacred golden fleece. The cupid Aphrodite made Arcas's Princess Medea fall in love with the hero Iason. Under Medea's help, Iason and his friends went through all difficulties and finally killed the guard dragon and got the Golden Fleece. Later, Medea and Iason got together. In the painting, Eros (right) was persuading the Medea (left) to help Iason to win the Golden Fleece. This painting symbolized a lot of meanings, one of which was the heaven of love was on behalf of Eros’s unreal love; love on the earth represented the secular love that the beauty loved the hero.


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