Confessional Art Oil Paintings

Confessional Art

Over the years, art styles have developed and changed based on the aspects of art forms that came before them. Artists and painters alike have found ways to adapt the art style that they feel most connected with into forms that allow the painting to be not only unique, but easily recognizable as the work of the particular artist who spent so much time and poured his or her heart onto the canvas. Confessional Art is a very popular style of art across all types of art lovers, but can convey intense emotions in those who truly respect art and are able to study the intricacies of the piece of art that has survived over the ages. The popularity of Confessional Art is due mainly to the very deep and private nature of each piece. This beautiful art style revolves mainly around the artist pushing deep emotions onto the canvas in order to find some type of enlightenment or revelation concerning the private self, meaning that the piece represents the deepest emotional level of the artist.

The feelings are emotions that are felt while brushing the paint or oils across the canvas influence more visible aspects of the piece in the form of the subject matter and the types of colors used (such as vivid colors for a cheery or passionate piece, and pastels for giving a somber or depressing atmosphere to the piece of art,) but there are many aspects of a painting that are not as easily visible, that the artist may have not intentionally taken part in during the process of sketching and painting. Even things as small as the brush stroke technique, and the time spent on a single piece that forms a thicker layer of paint are influenced by the emotion and passion that was felt while painting. The passion that goes into an art form expressed deep emotions that the artist felt while the painting came to life, and this has never been more true than it is in the style of Confessional Art. Although Confessional Art is based around the internal thoughts of the artist who created the piece, it is also incredibly powerful when viewed, as it evokes internal emotions within the viewer as well.

Confessional Art emerged later in the 20th century in Great Britain, but quickly spread to a variety of other countries. This style of art is still used today, although the various aspects are freely open to interpretation by the artist who chooses to utilize this style, as the style is based upon internal reflection, rather than using particular strokes or having one set subject matter.

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