Chinese Chicken Paintings

Chinese chicken paintings
The chicken has been the symbol of valiancy since ancient times for it eats five poisonous creatures: centipede, poisonous snake, scorpion, toad, and spider as well as eliminate plague and drive away evil spirit.?

The Chinese also attribute five virtues to the cock/rooster. Its has a crown on its head, a mark of literary spirit; and claws on its feet, a token of its warlike disposition; it is courageous, for it fights its enemies; and benevolent, always clucking for hens when it scratches up a grain; and faithful, for it never loses the hour.




















Cock - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $428.33
Artisoo Price: $124.74
Chicken - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $510.99
Artisoo Price: $148.79
Chicken - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $601.16
Artisoo Price: $175.84
Chicken-Bamboo - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $510.99
Artisoo Price: $148.79
Chicken-Peony - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $510.99
Artisoo Price: $148.79
Chicken - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $856.66
Artisoo Price: $250.98
Chicken-Peony - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $556.07
Artisoo Price: $162.31
Chicken-Peony - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $510.99
Artisoo Price: $148.79
Cock - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $428.33
Artisoo Price: $124.74
Chicken - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $510.99
Artisoo Price: $148.79
Chicken-Gourd - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $721.39
Artisoo Price: $211.91
Chicken-Peony - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $510.99
Artisoo Price: $148.79
Cock - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $428.33
Artisoo Price: $124.74
Cock - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $601.16
Artisoo Price: $175.84
Chicken-Chick - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $510.99
Artisoo Price: $148.79
Cock - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $601.16
Artisoo Price: $175.84
Gourd-Hen - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $465.90
Artisoo Price: $136.76
Flowers-Hen - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $465.90
Artisoo Price: $136.76
Chicken - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $533.53
Artisoo Price: $156.30
Chicken-Peony - Chinese PaintingGallery Price: $510.99
Artisoo Price: $148.79

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