Renaissance Oil Paintings

Renaissance Oil paintings

Renaissance begins in Italy and represents a cultural rebirth from the 14th through the middle of the 17th centuries. Since this time advocating importance of human values ​​at the core of humanism, artists are gradually free from the shackles of Christian theology and have the courage to explore new style of painting. On the one hand, Renaissance artists draw nourishment from the Greek and Roman classical art; On the other hand, artists have invented perspective image solve the three-dimensional performance on a flat paper through practice and scientific exploration. Renaissance art praised the beauty of human body, argues that the proportions of the human body is one of the world's most harmonious, and apply it to the building construction, a series of religious story as the theme of the renaissance painting and sculpture, but performance is ordinary scene.

Meanwhile, the reform of the oil painting materials and techniques, greatly improves the artistic expression of oil painting, technique of depicting objective object has been greatly increased. And produced a number of outstanding Renaissance painting artist, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Tiziano Vecellio, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Jan van Eyck, Sandro Botticelli etc. The artwork of the Renaissance has a notable feature: reality and humanity. The painting creation during the Renaissance are all mostly around this topic. This includes the human senses, the person's faith, man's sexual desire, and people's view of the world.

Imagine you eating in your dining room with Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper, your friends and guests discussing the secret smile of Mona Lisa in your family room, feeling the precious life with Michelangelo's Creation of Adam, appreciating spring beauty with Sandro Botticelli’s Primavera. You can make your home full of renaissance paintings in Artisoo Renaissance Painting gallery.

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Dining Room(1)

Kids' Room(1)




Buildings & Structures(4)

Family and Groups(13)

Men in Art(12)

Nude Figures(16)


Seasonal Fall(1)



El Greco(93)

Michelangelo Buonarroti(79)


William-Adolphe Bouguereau(2)

Leonardo Da Vinci(101)


Mona Lisa (La Gioconda) c. 1503-05Gallery Price: $481.88
Artisoo Price: $141.17
An Angel in Red with a LuteGallery Price: $441.15
Artisoo Price: $128.95
Creation of Adam 1510Gallery Price: $882.31
Artisoo Price: $259.26
The Last Supper 1498Gallery Price: $617.62
Artisoo Price: $180.53
FloraGallery Price: $318.99
Artisoo Price: $92.30
Tomb of Pope Julius IIGallery Price: $868.74
Artisoo Price: $255.19
Annunciation (Annunciazione)Gallery Price: $305.41
Artisoo Price: $89.59
Adam and EveGallery Price: $359.71
Artisoo Price: $104.52
An Elderly Gentleman 1590sGallery Price: $563.32
Artisoo Price: $165.60
Francesco Maria della Rovere, Duke of Urbino 1536-38Gallery Price: $488.66
Artisoo Price: $142.53
Portrait of a Young Woman (or La Fornarina)Gallery Price: $305.41
Artisoo Price: $89.59
Last Judgement Christ The JudgeGallery Price: $875.52
Artisoo Price: $256.55
BacchanalGallery Price: $434.37
Artisoo Price: $126.24
A Lady in a Fur Wrap 1577-80Gallery Price: $393.65
Artisoo Price: $115.38
Penitent St Mary MagdaleneGallery Price: $407.22
Artisoo Price: $119.45
BacchusGallery Price: $956.97
Artisoo Price: $279.62

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