The Miracle of St Mark Freeing the Slave

The Miracle Of St Mark Freeing The Slave

The Miracle of St Mark Freeing The Slave

The Miracle Of St Mark Freeing the Slave painted a story that happened in an era when the Christian was not recognized: a slave follower was caught by the pagans (in the Christian spirit world, any people who did not believe in the religion were known as the pagans); when he was being killed, St Mark (patron saint of Venice city) dropped from the clouds and saved him. Here, St. Mark's image represented Venice. The subject of the whole painting was the symbol of independence and its major task for Venice was to save Christians. The composition of the painting was very rare among all the Renaissance painters' works. The lying posture of the mistreated slaves and St. Mark's body which was hung from up to down showed the painter's ability of human perspective in the expression of rapid movement.

This painting had the unassailable overall composition and the delicate construction as well as the figurative images arrangement, leaving people a deep impression. All the people circled around the central crowds (consisting of slaves and executioner), and surprisingly stared at the image of saints as well as the bright slave body in the dark place, which seemed to predict that the rescue action was about to begin. Various colors in the scene were flashing at the noon light. But this painting's real hero was the light with no awareness. This light fell along with the saints, enveloping the whole painting. In a divine spark moment, the dynamic motions of characters were caught.

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